So here it goes:
- Set a deadline for my new life-plan. I need a realistic, tangible date. Month, day, year. Preferably, one within the next two years.
- I want to really delve into herbalism. I want to start a small indoor herb garden. I feel like literally digging my hands into some soil could help ground me, spiritually and mentally. I want to plant seeds, care for them, watch them grow. I want to make my own essential oils and incense from them. I think it would be a really cool experience to be responsible for the growth of a living thing. Also, I think it would give me more reason to spend time at home. Which leads me to number 3...
- I need to spend more time with my family. Being in love is as amazing as it is distracting. I love my family, but I have been neglecting them a bit. Not on purpose... I just haven't quite found the perfect balance between my two homes: My childhood home (my mom, my dad, my sister) and my Adult home (my boyfriend). I can't live a balanced life if I'm not giving enough to the family that made me the person I am today. I need to be a little more selfless (or, maybe a LOT more selfless) and pay attention to the needs of those I owe my life to
- Drink less coffee, more tea. I recently read an article on this blog about the mystical and feminine properties of tea. It's such a pretty idea... And on a practical note: tea doesn't stain the teeth the way coffee does.
- Keep at the Tarot. I tend to lose interest in my hobbies after a short period of time. I feel like I've missed out on a lot of good experiences because I get bored so quickly. I really think I have a bit of a gift for the Tarot, and I would hate to waste a potential gift away just because I'm "bored." And who knows... maybe it will lead to learning other forms of divination.
- Seriously start on this whole crystal wrapping/etsy venture. I need to stop putting it off, get my materials together, and get business moving. Mama needs a supplemental income, you dig?
- I want to wake up every morning feeling excited, and go to sleep every night feeling grateful. I want to be an expert on mysticism, symbolism, and divination. I want to be enchanted and appreciative of all that is around me. I want to feel more connected to nature and the earth, the Goddess and God. I want to appreciate every day, good or bad.
Alright... now it's time to get my ass in gear.
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