In my years of keeping journals, my writing style is in constant change. Depending on my mood, the weather or what, at the monent, has inspired me, each page is different and holds a contrasting emoition. Lately, i have been embracing the art of lyrical rap, and spoken word. One evening, after expanding my mind (via spliff) i sat down to listen to some "beats" a friend of mine had recently made. I let the rythm in, and this is what came out.
Video killed the radio star,
but who killed the romantics?
Runnin and searchin for love,
we're so fuckin frantic.
Its tragic,
these antics.
"Romeo, oh, Romeo!"
Your maiden calls out your name,
but youre fucking the house nurse,
are all men the same?
Roses and chocolate.
small tokens of our
but slices and pill bottles
when push comes to shove.
We dot our I's with little red hearts,
love makes you vulnerable.
Come on girl, get smart.
There are sharks,
lurking in the depths,
waiting for this day.
The day when you stumble,
you become their pray.
So pray, i say, pray that you come back alive.
Its too late to swim,
SHUT UP and dive.
Drown in this euphoric ocean of peaches and cream,
you'll make your prince charming,
charming as you need.
Need him to be,
NEED him to see...
youre a leach on the bottom of the ocean,
and he eats like a king.
So who killed the romantics?
Well, i guess it was me.
Like a bullet through my brain,
i finally went insane and strangled and tangled
all the love that
Suffocated and choked,
ill like a cigarette,
and smoke.
Ill bask in this delight
that ive put out your light
and that all your roses are
And you can tell this to your prince,
he's the horseman holding his head.